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Sunday, July 14, 2013

5 CSS Tricks For Blogger to get Google Search Results and Traffic

5 CSS Tricks For Blogger to get Google Search Results and Traffic


5 CSS Benefits OF SEO For Blogger to get Google Search Results and traffic,how good CSS can make your site appear in google and other search engines.

There are lots of different methods about SEO tips for google search results to get your website on the first page of google,but one of the most important part of on page optimization and that is done with internal links and underestimation CSS will not be cool for here in this article we are going to discuss how a good CSS practice can put you in google search results and you receive traffic from search we will discuss here what search engine likes in CSS and then we will do it in our website so that it can be helpful for you.we have already described the importance of post title before the homepage title so now we will discuss importance of css in seo and how css can bring google search results.

(1)Fast Loading & Lighter page with CSS

CSS can make your site or blogger blog loading fast,so you must use it will reduce the page size and hence loading time of page increases.
Try to decerase loading time of your website and more traffic you will get through google search results.if you want to see prrof then check loading speed of most famous website will be low then yours.

(2)Use Search engine recognised and friendly standards

Surprised what are the search engine recognised standards,well these are the HTML tags which are H1 and H2.anything that you insert between them search engine takes them as most important content so use them with CSS .but do not overuse it or you will be punished or ignored by the google.

(3)Avoid TABLES and Use UL and LI

If you are making a menu then you must avoid using tables for them and use UL and LI these are the search engine recognised standard tags.and also easily always make your menu with ul and li.these are mostly used for links list and menu.

(4)Use Caption,Tags on images

CSS also helps to get traffic from google image search results but only when you put all the required things on imahes that indeed by search engines.images brings lots of traffic for my blog because i use all the properties that are mentioned in te article that i am sharing with you.On page optimization tips for google search results.

(5)Post Title before the Homepage title

This little trick will change the game for your blogger blog. i did it and i am happy to see my increased google search results.putting your blog title before the homepage title will increase your google search results.i have written all the CSS code requit=red to do this job done and you must not avoid this if serious about getting google search title before the homepage title.

Please comment for your suggestions,i need your suggestions so please oblige me through your comment.

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